Journal Articles

Tetsuro Kobayashi, Yuan Zhou, Lungta Seki, and Asako Miura. Forthcoming. “Autocracies Win the Hearts of the Democratic Public: How Japanese Citizens Are Persuaded by Illiberal Narratives Propagated by Authoritarian Regimes.” Democratization. Link

Duancheng Yang, Yuan Zhou, and Yun-han Chu. Forthcoming. “Voices from within: Tracing Chinese Public Perceptions of Democracy in the New Era.” Journal of Chinese Political Science. Link

Xiaoyu Pu, Chengli Wang, and Yuan Zhou. Forthcoming. “Censor and Sensitivity: How China Handles the US Embassy’s Public Diplomacy in Cyberspace.” Journal of Chinese Political Science. Link

Yuan Zhou, Ghashia Kiyani, and Charles Crabtree. 2023. “New Evidence that Naming and Shaming Influences State Human Rights Practices.” Journal of Human Rights, 22(4): 451-468. Link

Yuan Zhou. 2022. “China’s Mediated Public Diplomacy towards Japan: A Text-as-Data Approach.” Asian Journal of Communication, 32(4): 327-345. Link

Kohei Watanabe and Yuan Zhou. 2022. “Theory-Driven Analysis of Large Corpora: Semi- Supervised Topic Classification of the UN Speeches.” Social Science Computer Review, 40(2): 346-366. Link

Yuan Zhou and Kaoru Kurusu. 2021. “How Major Powers Diverge on Global Governance? Evidence from the UN General Debate.” Kobe University Law Review, 54: 63-80. Link

Naoko Matsumura and Yuan Zhou. 2020. “Googling the World Health Organization during the COVID-19 Crisis.” Kobe University Law Review, 53: 51-71. Link

Yuan Zhou and Jing Shi. 2016. “Japan’s Official Development Assistance towards Central Asian States” (in Chinese). Journal of International Economic Cooperation, 371(11): 86-91. Link

Yuan Zhou and Jing Shi. 2015. “The Evaluation System of Japan’s Official Development Assistance and Its Implications” (in Chinese). Journal of International Economic Cooperation, 358(10): 86-91. Link

Book Chapters

Yuan Zhou, Sandrine Boudana, and Elad Segev. 2021. “Provocation Narratives in Chinese and US Newspapers.” In Semantic Network Analysis in Social Sciences, ed. Elad Segev (Routledge), 53-71. Link